thumbsup logo thumbsup

--config <path>

Maintaining many CLI arguments can be tedious. You might want to save them somewhere and re-use them easily. To help with this thumbsup supports passing arguments as a JSON file:

thumbsup --config config.json

Simply specify all arguments as an object, without the -- prefix:

  "input": "/media/output",
  "output": "./website",
  "title": "My holiday",
  "thumb-size": 200,
  "large-size": 1500,
  "photo-download": "copy",
  "video-download": "resize",
  "sort-albums-by": "date",
  "theme": "cards",
  "css": "./custom.css",
  "google-analytics": "UA-999999-9"

Flags such as --cleanup must be entered as a boolean value:

  "cleanup": true

If an argument can be repeated on the command-line, you must specify it as an array in the JSON config:

  "include": ["holidays/**", "events/**"]

Note that special characters such as quotes must be properly escaped:

  "footer": "All images courtesy of <a href=\"\"></a>"

--log <string>

By default, thumbsup renders progress with a nice colorful output:

Default output screenshot

In case of errors, it should print the error message and stack trace to help troubleshoot. You can print a full text-only log using --log <value>.

Value Description
info Basic text log, including stats and the files being processed
debug More troubleshooting data like timestamp comparisons
trace Full verbose mode, including the exact gm / ffmpeg commands being called

When running outside of a TTY environment, thumbsup automatically defaults to --log info if not specified.

If you face any issues, you can raise them at Make sure to check existing issues first, and please provide as much detail as possible including:

--dry-run <boolean>

When specified, thumbsup will update the thumbsup.db database, but will not generate any resized media, nor generate the gallery pages.

--usage-stats <boolean>

Thumbsup used to report anonymous usage stats to guide development effort, such as the OS and gallery size. It did not include any personal data such as filenames, album names or EXIF metadata.

This usage reporting has been removed and the flag is now deprecated. In previous versions you can disable it by specifying --no-usage-stats.

When using a JSON config file you can set

  "usage-stats": false