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--include <glob>

By default, all files in the --input folder are added to the gallery. This optional pattern controls which files to include instead.

When using a JSON config file, make sure that this value is an array, such as

  "include": ["**/IMG_*"]

--exclude <glob>

This optional pattern controls which files to exclude from the input folder. Exclusions are applied after inclusions.

When using a JSON config file, make sure that this value is an array, such as

  "exclude": ["**/IMG_*"]

--include-photos <boolean>

Whether to index / process / display standard photo files (jpg, png…). Notes:

--include-videos <boolean>

Whether to index / process / display standard video files (mp4, mov…).

--include-raw-photos <boolean>

Whether to index / process / display camera RAW files (Nikon NEF, Canon CR2…). Just like other photos, RAW files are processed to generate thumbnails and a web-friendly preview. Processing RAW files requires dcraw to be installed.

--scan-mode <full,partial,incremental>

These 3 modes control what happens between multiple runs of Thumbsup, specifically:

  Full Partial Incremental
File outside the include pattern Remove Keep Keep
File deleted from disk (inside the pattern) Remove Remove Keep

A common use-case for partial is to avoid re-scanning folders that never change, but keeping their content in the gallery. A common use-case for incremental is to always append content to an existing gallery, even when the source data no longer exists.

Consider this folder structure:

# Index all photos
thumbsup --input /photos

# Delete a file
rm 2023/IMG_002.jpg

# Rerun scoping to 2023
thumbsup --input /photos --include '2023/**' --scan-mode 'SEE BELOW'
  Full Partial Incremental
IMG_001 removed because it’s outside the include pattern kept because it’s outside the include pattern kept
IMG_002 removed because it was deleted on disk removed because it was deleted on disk kept
IMG_003 kept kept kept


The flags --include-photos / videos / raw-photos are applied regardless of the scan mode. For example if your gallery has existing videos and you set --include-videos false: