
Static web galleries for all your photos and videos

What is thumbsup?

Thumbsup is a static gallery generator. Point it at a folder full of photos and videos, and it will build an HTML website to view them. It takes care of resizing photos, creating thumbnails, re-encoding videos to a web-friendly format, and more...


Thumbsup is free, and the source code is hosted on Github. Contributions are always welcome.

Get started in seconds

Create a whole gallery from a single command. If you have more time, pick a theme, configure your styles, or change the config settings to control how albums are created.


Thumbsup keeps track of which photos are new and only rebuilds what's necessary. If everything is up to date, running thumbsup on a 50GB folder only takes a few seconds.

Mobile friendly

The generated website can be viewed on any device - including videos. Have a look for yourself at the demo site.


Available as an npm module or a Docker image, it works on macOS, Linux and Windows. Thumbsup it built upon well established tools like ffmpeg.

Deploy anywhere

The generated galleries are fully static and self contained. Browse them from your computer, or upload them to AWS S3 for the world to see.


Pick a theme for your gallery! Themes include navigation, album previews, photo/video pages and a media viewer. Customise your theme & colors easily with extra CSS rules. Learn more about themes in the documentation.

Quick start

Simply organise your photos and videos into a folder. Getting started is as easy as

npm install -g thumbsup
thumbsup --input ./photos --output ./gallery

You can also use the thumbsupgallery/thumbsup Docker image. From selecting themes to thumbnail sizes and sorting options, there are many more settings you can experiment with.

Read the documentation